Thursday, April 06, 2006

Globalization, huh!

Today, I found two news in the newspaper quite contrasting to the whole big GLABALIZATION thing.

1. Arcelor, is giving extraordinary dividend to its shareholders obviously to prevent the Mittal's hostile bid of $25 billion. The dividend announced in Feb 1.20 Euro was raised to 1.85 Euro per share.
2. The British Government has passed a law which would make it difficult for the Indian (or non-British) doctors to practice there, to protect home-grown doctors. Those who don't have work-permit there would have to come back and apply again.

Both of them show one thing globalization is not so easy when it comes to yourself. Your companies going outside and getting a hell lot of money is okay, but it comes to you, you start defining words like Economic Patriotism blah! blah! blah!...Gimme a break!


Some More pics

This is a view of Linz, where I have gone with the group to watch some Rocky horror (for me, it was only horror) show. See, the river in pic is Danube...This is some Church, I think. There are a few things which you will get in almost every place in Europe, a church, a beautiful Castle, a small tiny river...alone you may get bored very soon.
This is a view of Salzach, you call this river, come to North India, see The Ganges. you know European Rivers are really cute, you see their tiny bridges they really enhance the beauty of the cities. By the way, their cities are also quite smaller, Salzburg has a population of just 144, 000 come on my home town has a population of 150,000 and it is just a small town.
This is what people call classical view of Salzburg, at the top of the hill it is Hohensalzburg Fortress, a must of tourists going there.
She is the one who after a lot of yes-no agreed to go tto Salzburg with me, really grateful. Else, had to move alone once more.

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Austria Trip

For long, I have thought that I would make an online journal of my Austria trip, but laziness is such a may not allow anything...Wait, there were some genuine reasons, I had almost destroyed the DigiCam given by my brother...:P. So, I could not get the pics until very recently, now I have got them, so I think I could post them.

One confession, I always used to think that I would be very good at photography, hell looking at the pictures I have taken...I am looking at the websites for the worst photographer award..I will be a very strong contender, believe me. Okay, too much of blah! blah!

This guy in the pic is me, of course who else can be...I am at the Mirabell Garden in Salzburg...posing in front of some stupid sculpture, I never found the point in posing in front of such thing...what do you want to show....look I had been there...bah!

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Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Books Read

Somehow, I started thinking that I should start reading some books at last...the worm of thought came a long ago but it could actually make any real impact...So I am just mentioning the books which I have read in recent time...

1. One night at the Call Centre by Chetan Bhagat
2. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
3. The Monk who sold his ferrari by Robin Sharma
4. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
5. Da Vince Code by Dan Brown
6. The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy
7. Five Point Someone by Chetan Bhagat

(In the reverse chronological order)

Books read last summer (In Austria)

1. Tender is the Night by F. Scott Fitzgerald
2. Red Rabbit by Tom Clancy
3. The Sum of all Fears by Tom Clancy
4. Digital Fortress by Dan Brown

Given the fact that I am not really a passionate reader, I think that is decent...However, there is something amazing that I forgot name of the author for a lot of books. How can you forget the author's name of a book on which you have at least spent 7-8 hours...And the limit is that in one case I ever forgot the name of the book...bah! I am thinking of making a list of books which I have been thinking that I would read

1. Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen
2. The Portrait of a Young Man by James Joyce
3. In Constody by Anita Desai
4. The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century by Thomas Friedman

Let's see how many of them I can complete and by when...


Long Time, huh!

I know I had not been writing for a really long-long period...You know...sometimes I just wonder...when I am too busy a lot of creative ideas comes to mind, on the other hand when are free you are just idle, not working, not thinking meaning not doing anything at all.

However, I had been doing something this whole semester. Being the last semester, it has a lot to do with my future life. A job was the most important thing to it somehow...and for the first time, I had really been thinking seriously about career options and all that...lolz!!!
