Just A Thought
When I joined my first company, my manager took a session for all the people who were joining together, Not many, just 4 of us. He was a IIT+IIM combo, so naturally was kind of impressed. That guy talked a lot of sense. Drew a picture of our brain to show which part of brain does what...don't know if this is taught at B-Schools.
One of things, he told and stuck me that one should focus where one is good at and try to get best at it. And get yourself with people who can make up for your weakness and you do the same for them. The similar thing I read in a book recently. It says, that if amount of effort one need to apply to become from BETTER to ONE OF THE BEST is very less compared to from POOR to JUST OK.
Logically, I believe that this idea is just great. But, I think this idea is self-defeating. Until and unless, you try doing other stuff how can you know what you are best at. May be you just think that this is what you best at because you have never done anything else in your whole life.
What do you think...
One of things, he told and stuck me that one should focus where one is good at and try to get best at it. And get yourself with people who can make up for your weakness and you do the same for them. The similar thing I read in a book recently. It says, that if amount of effort one need to apply to become from BETTER to ONE OF THE BEST is very less compared to from POOR to JUST OK.
Logically, I believe that this idea is just great. But, I think this idea is self-defeating. Until and unless, you try doing other stuff how can you know what you are best at. May be you just think that this is what you best at because you have never done anything else in your whole life.
What do you think...
Labels: Rambling
u have put a simple and effective logic...that's why we have investment banker turned full time author, engineer turned film editor, juice seller turned businessman of audio cds...
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . Um abraço.
What u said my friend is sensible.
One must keep on trying on new things.but after a stage u dont have enought time for new dishes or have ended up trying most of them.Thats when my friend u need to settle down and think of things u were wonderful at and things where u r good at. Thats when the words of YOUR :) track manager will carry great importance. So a heady mixture of both of you will be an ideal recipe. What do ya say mate.
Hey, Srinibas, you are right, but you need to keep options open. Just because you did something early in your life, doesn't restrict of new exciting things in life...
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